Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Meredith had her 6 month check up yesterday. She is 17lbs 9 oz and 27 1/4 long. Her weight is average, but her length is above average. I think we are going to have a tall one!!! Dr. Fairchild wants to have Meredith's hearing checked again because she has an extra fold of skin on her ear that may be getting in the way of her hearing. Dr. Fairchild thinks it is probably okay, but just wants to double check. She also saw a small amount of fluid behind Meredith's left ear. She doesn't want to give her meds yet because she thinks it is left over from a cold. It will probably clear up. Dr. Fairchild has referred us to an ENT in Jackson to have Meredith's hearing checked and to check the fluid again. Our appointment is Monday morning. It is nothing to worry about yet.

This is Skip's father's day present that Meredith thinks is hers. It is a pink duck call with Meredith's name and birth date engraved on it. I guess this means that she is going to duck hunt with her daddy when she gets older. ;)

The is a picture that was taken at the Miss Mississippi Pageant parade. This is the only picture we took. At least it is a cute one.
Meredith loves to try to catch the water. It is so cute.
Her serious look!
She doesn't understand why she can't grab the water.