Friday, December 4, 2009


Last Sunday we took Meredith to meet Santa at The Valley downtown. There were so many distractions, she didn't even notice Santa. Once it was our turn to meet Santa, the photographer was waving her hands and a stuffed animal so much that Meredith still hadn't noticed Santa. The photographer was keeping Meredith's attention so well that I don't think she even realized that someone was holding her. Once the photographer was finished with pictures, all of the commotion stopped. Meredith looked over and finally noticed Santa was holding her. Her bottom lip started to tremble and I grabbed her before a huge scream came out. Here is the picture with Santa and some other pictures that were taken that day.

Meredith loves to play in the leaves...


Anonymous said...

Can't believe it's her 1st Christmas already!

Denise said...

your daughter is adorable!
you should go to and send us an email with her name to enter for a chance at a free hairbow of your choice.....

Wilson said...

So cute! Christmas will be so much fun this year!