Thursday, August 7, 2008

This week's blurb...

Not much to update on this week. Tuesday, I went to the hospital to do the pre-admissions. It was very easy. I just had to sign a lot of paper work and then I was given two cards that I have to give to the ER when the time comes. They say all I have to do is show up when the baby is ready and they will be ready for me.

As for me and the baby, we are doing pretty good these days. I think I have started to feel her moving around this week. I am not sure if it is her or not, but it is something that I haven’t felt before. I am sure I will be feeling her kicks before too long. I can’t wait until my next ultrasound. I want to see how much she has grown. My belly is growing a lot faster these days. You can check out where I am in my pregnancy by clicking on the link below.