Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Meredith Sinclair Holifield was born Monday, December 29th at 3:24pm weighing in at 8 pounds even and 20 1/4 inches long. Mom, Dad, & Baby Meredith are all doing just fine! More pictures to follow.

Deborah, proud aunt

Friday, December 19, 2008

The date has changed...

Yesterday I saw Dr. Gebhart for my weekly checkup. Baby Holifield still isn't ready to come out and meet the world yet. I am still dilated 1 cm and the baby hasn't dropped yet. He did change the induction date to December 29th. They weren't able to get me in on the 30th. I have to be at the hospital on Sunday the 28th at 6:00 pm for the nurses to prep me for induction. Then Dr. Gebhart will come in on Monday morning to break my water. Our little one will be here before we know it!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


These are two pictures from last week's sonogram. I thought she was blowing bubbles, but the tech said that she was sucking on the cord. I still say it is bubbles. ;) I think she kind of looks like Skip already.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A date has been scheduled...

It looks like we might get to meet our sweet angel on December 3oth, unless she decides to come early. Dr. Gebhart has put me on the books to be induced on the 30th. He doesn't want to schedule a c-section at this point. I am dilated 1 cm so far. He did say if I am dilated 3 or 4 cm at next week's check up (Dec. 18th) then we will go ahead and have her. But I could stay at 1 cm until the 30th. Everything else was fine. They check my glucose and iron levels and they were fine. We were able to see our baby girl on the sonogram yesterday. She stuck her tongue out a couple of times. At one point, she was sucking on her cord. It looked like bubbles to me, but the tech said it was the cord. It just amazes me every time I get to see her. I can't wait to hold her in my arms!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Just a little update....

The baby and I are doing just fine. She is growing more and more everyday and her kicks are getting stronger and stronger. Everyone keeps asking me if I am ready and the only response that I can give is, "I am as ready as I am going to get". The nursery is pretty much finished. I just need to hang some stuff on the walls. I will post pictures of the nursery once everything is done. Hopefully, that will happen this weekend.

I had a doctor's appointment Wednesday. Everything is still going good. He did tell me that I might have to have a c-section. It all depends on the size of the baby. He said that I have a really small pelvis. So if she is a big baby, she probably won't come out on her own. He is going to do a sonogram next week to see how big she really is. If she is a big baby, then he will go ahead and schedule a c-section closer to my due date. I was a little disappointed at first, but I would rather know ahead of time than labor for hours and then have a c-section. Hopefully I will know more next week.