Friday, December 5, 2008

Just a little update....

The baby and I are doing just fine. She is growing more and more everyday and her kicks are getting stronger and stronger. Everyone keeps asking me if I am ready and the only response that I can give is, "I am as ready as I am going to get". The nursery is pretty much finished. I just need to hang some stuff on the walls. I will post pictures of the nursery once everything is done. Hopefully, that will happen this weekend.

I had a doctor's appointment Wednesday. Everything is still going good. He did tell me that I might have to have a c-section. It all depends on the size of the baby. He said that I have a really small pelvis. So if she is a big baby, she probably won't come out on her own. He is going to do a sonogram next week to see how big she really is. If she is a big baby, then he will go ahead and schedule a c-section closer to my due date. I was a little disappointed at first, but I would rather know ahead of time than labor for hours and then have a c-section. Hopefully I will know more next week.


Taylor & Krisa said...

C-section is the way to go! It wasn't bad at all and the recovery is really nothing. I've been up and moving around all week. I can't wait for you to meet your little girl - it is the best thing in the world!