Thursday, December 11, 2008

A date has been scheduled...

It looks like we might get to meet our sweet angel on December 3oth, unless she decides to come early. Dr. Gebhart has put me on the books to be induced on the 30th. He doesn't want to schedule a c-section at this point. I am dilated 1 cm so far. He did say if I am dilated 3 or 4 cm at next week's check up (Dec. 18th) then we will go ahead and have her. But I could stay at 1 cm until the 30th. Everything else was fine. They check my glucose and iron levels and they were fine. We were able to see our baby girl on the sonogram yesterday. She stuck her tongue out a couple of times. At one point, she was sucking on her cord. It looked like bubbles to me, but the tech said it was the cord. It just amazes me every time I get to see her. I can't wait to hold her in my arms!