Tuesday, March 10, 2009

10 weeks...

Meredith is getting to be such a big girl. She slept in her crib for the first time last night. She has taken naps in her crib, but never slept there at night. She has always slept in her cradle in our room. I really like having her in our room, but I know she needs to be in her own room, especially before I go back to work. So last night, I gave her a bath, put her PJs on and just put her in her crib just to see if she would fall asleep while I cleaned up from her bath. Well, she didn't have any trouble falling asleep. She was out within about 5 minutes. She slept from 10:00 to 4:30. So I will have to say she did pretty good. I didn't do so well. I kept checking on her and I kept making sure the monitor was working. How sad!

We have been putting cereal in her night time bottle, but I haven't really noticed a difference. We might start spoon feeding her next week. Maybe that will fill her little belly up to help her sleep a little longer.

Here are a few pics of Meredith in her crib...


Taylor & Krisa said...

Congrats on moving to the crib!! She just gets more beautiful every day.

Anonymous said...

Too Tee is a big girl. I can't wait to see her this weekend!

Wilson said...

She's so adorable. Sometimes it takes them a little while to get used to that full feeling after they get cereal at night, so don't give up. Sounds like she's doing pretty good though with sleeping most of the night.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You made a big step last night! I still get up and check on Sophie and SB for that matter. I can't believe how much Meredith has grown. We need to see her! I will be off work next week so we will have to get together. Hopefully my girls will stay WELL!!

Ashley Davidson said...

You are not sad. That is a perfectly mom thing to do. She is beautiful and it sounds like you are doing a great job! I hope you are all well.