Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Check up...

Meredith had her 4 month check up a week early. The doctor says that she is doing great. She weighs 13.12 pounds and 25 inches long. The doctor said that she is a little longer than average, but her weight is about right for her age. Meredith was such a big girl for her shots. She cried just a little, but she cried really bad when the doctor was rotating her hips. Meredith doesn't like that at all. The doctor said that she doesn't think Meredith is ready for food yet. Probably in the next 2 to 3 weeks. I might start her on some yellow veggies next week. It can't hurt to try.

Meredith had a great Easter Sunday with her family. She didn't know what was going on, but she was showered with gifts from her cousins. Here are a few pictures...

Meredith and Aunt Holly...


Our little family...


Anonymous said...

Too Tee is getting so big! What precious family.