Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Just a little blurb...

Meredith is growing so much!! I can't believe she is 4 months old. She has been doing well with eating from a spoon. It is so much fun! She has now learned to rollover from her back to her belly. She just hasn't figured out how to get back. We haven't witnessed this rolling over yet. For the past couple of nights, she starts crying between 2:00 and 3:00am. When I get to her room, she is on her belly and obviously doesn't want to be that way. I hope it doesn't upset her for too much longer. I was enjoying that she slept 11 hours at night!

Here are a few pics from this week...

My great aunt Dot came to see me....

Me and my daddy...

First time in my daddy's boat (in the driveway)...

My brother, Hogan loves me...

My daddy made my dress into a hat...


Anonymous said...

I just love the new pics! Miss her! Kiss her!